Monday, November 26, 2012

Presentation at PMI Madrid Spain Chapter´s 9th Congress

Last 22.11.2012, Mario Coquillat and María del Acebo Sánchez-Macián, coordinators of the development of the Helping Guide for implementing ISO 21500 Regulation, presented the initiative at the PMI Madrid Spain Chapter´s 9th Congress, organized under the name of "9th Project Manager Meeting. Project Management´s Double Dimension: Public and Private.”

The presentation, "Publishing of ISO 21500 Regulation, Guidelines for directing and managing projects and the impact on the profession” stressed as most relevant points:

- The impact that the publishing of the Regulation is expected to have on the professionalizing of Project Management.

- PMI as key driving force in the development, spreading and implementation of the regulation.

- The story of the group of volunteers that are working on the Project for the development of the Helping Guide.

The presentation can be reviewed at the following link.
We remind you to attend the Webinar Mario Coquillat will offer on the next 28.11.2012, regarding ISO 21500 regulation and the above mentioned project. For more information please select the following link.

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